Friday, June 3, 2011

Final Destination 5

Warner Bros. releases the fifth installment of the franchise with even bigger breasted teenagers on August 12th.

What Was Good

Not much was good in this trailer. The editors bypassed telling the same old story and just aimed for two minutes and five seconds of gross and appalling images of death. If you are not familiar with the franchise, a Final Destination movie always begins with a huge disaster, such as a plane crash or highway accident, that ends up killing many people but leaving behind a lucky few. Death does not take kindly to survivors, however, and soon after the accident, the incredibly voluptuous and attractive “teenagers” start to die horrible and ridiculous deaths. While this wasn’t the worst movie trailer in the world, it looked like the editors didn’t even attempt to tell any story at all, especially since the first 45 seconds of the trailer is one single scene. The only part that I liked was the special effects, especially the bridge accident. Other than that, this was a pretty dismal trailer to an overused franchise.

Will People Go See This Movie?

As summer approaches, the sequels and teenager horror flicks start popping up all over the place. Final Destination 4 came out in 2009 and made over $186 million worldwide, which is the highest in the franchise. Clearly, people are still amused by it. By opening in mid August, it looks like Warner Bros. is trying to catch the college students with one more summer movie sequel before they head back to school. Judging from this trailer, I certainly will not be seeing this film in theaters but it seems that there are still plenty of fans drawn to the suspense and sex appeal that the Final Destination franchise has managed to keep going with every movie. I predict it is going to draw large audiences its opening weekend and then taper off very quickly like the other four movies have in the past.

Other Related Movie Trailers

1.) Shark Night 3D
2.) Fright Night