Friday, June 3, 2011

Final Destination 5

Warner Bros. releases the fifth installment of the franchise with even bigger breasted teenagers on August 12th.

What Was Good

Not much was good in this trailer. The editors bypassed telling the same old story and just aimed for two minutes and five seconds of gross and appalling images of death. If you are not familiar with the franchise, a Final Destination movie always begins with a huge disaster, such as a plane crash or highway accident, that ends up killing many people but leaving behind a lucky few. Death does not take kindly to survivors, however, and soon after the accident, the incredibly voluptuous and attractive “teenagers” start to die horrible and ridiculous deaths. While this wasn’t the worst movie trailer in the world, it looked like the editors didn’t even attempt to tell any story at all, especially since the first 45 seconds of the trailer is one single scene. The only part that I liked was the special effects, especially the bridge accident. Other than that, this was a pretty dismal trailer to an overused franchise.

Will People Go See This Movie?

As summer approaches, the sequels and teenager horror flicks start popping up all over the place. Final Destination 4 came out in 2009 and made over $186 million worldwide, which is the highest in the franchise. Clearly, people are still amused by it. By opening in mid August, it looks like Warner Bros. is trying to catch the college students with one more summer movie sequel before they head back to school. Judging from this trailer, I certainly will not be seeing this film in theaters but it seems that there are still plenty of fans drawn to the suspense and sex appeal that the Final Destination franchise has managed to keep going with every movie. I predict it is going to draw large audiences its opening weekend and then taper off very quickly like the other four movies have in the past.

Other Related Movie Trailers

1.) Shark Night 3D
2.) Fright Night

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Summit Entertainment brings together Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen in a film packed full of emotions.
What Was Good

This trailer told a pretty good story. The opening sequence was very amusing and Rogen’s “one-liners” were spot on throughout the entire trailer. The title itself certainly makes the movie seem intriguing considering the consequences and it constantly had me asking, “Will he live, or will he die?” Will people actually go see this movie in theaters though? This seems like the type of film that may slip under the radar due to the “indie” feel of the trailer. It is opening well after the summer season in the quieter weeks of September and I don’t think it will pull many audiences to theaters. Gordon-Levitt has had success in major productions such as Inception and G.I. Joe but his indie films always tend to fall flat. Even 500 Days of Summer struggled at the box office. Maybe the combination of Rogen’s comedy success with Gordon-Levitt’s talent is just the right mix for a hit?

What Wasn’t So Good?

The trailer felt a little long due to the complicated nature of the movie. While I am intrigued by the outcome, I don’t think that I got the “feeling” that I should have from this trailer. It briefly scraped the many emotional bounds the actual film is going to touch on. I understand that it is very hard to establish the feel and tone of a film that crosses so many genres in only 2 and a half minutes but I thought the editors tried to stuff in way too much. While the trailer leans more towards the comedy side in the beginning and the end, my personal opinion tells me it is going to be more of a tearjerker movie overall and should have been marketed more towards that genre. The soundtrack was pretty bland but it wasn’t awful.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers

1.) The Descendants
2.) A Little Help
3.) Beginners
4.) Crazy Stupid Love

Friday, May 27, 2011

Green With Envy!

They return to the big screen after 12 years with stars Jason Segal and Amy Adams!

Spoiler Alert!

I know that I recently reviewed a family film, but I just have to talk about this great new Muppets trailer. Earlier this week, Apple Movie Trailers tricked audiences by naming the Muppets trailer, Green With Envy and choosing to not feature the Muppets characters on the poster. Audiences had no idea what kind of trailer it was going to be. Other Websites such as Yahoo and Trailer Addict have started calling it the Muppets trailer now that the secret is out but it is still just as amusing if you know. For those of us who didn’t know what it was about, it was a great surprise when Kermit, Ms. Piggy, and the entire gang made appearances halfway through. Since it was a teaser, it didn’t give away much of the story but it certainly made me laugh out loud several times in only one and a half minutes. Jason Segal and Amy Adams are perfect additions to the cast of hilarious puppets.

Will People Go See This Movie?

If you are a Muppets fan you should definitely go see this movie! Even if you are not a follower of the series, this was a great trailer and you should definitely go see this movie in theaters. Will a lot of people go see it though? As good as some of the Muppets movies have been, they always tend to struggle at the box office. Muppets from Space made a mere $16,625,807 at the box office in 1999. It is going to be released in November around the holiday season, however, and the Muppets movies are always great for the entire family. I will certainly be there when it opens and I look forward to seeing more Muppets trailers from Buena Vista this summer.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers:

1.) Mr. Popper’s Penguins
2.) Happy Feet 2
3.) Zookeeper

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Mark Waters and 20th Century Fox adapt the popular 1938 book into a major motion picture starring, Jim Carrey.

                              What Was Good

This was a good trailer that told a great story. The story was good because it was simple and clear, giving away just enough of the plot and conflict without spoiling the entire movie or the ending. The penguin moments in this trailer were great too, especially the scene with the penguin in the bathtub. While it was a little silly, it established that the film was going to be a little silly, family friendly, and fun. The editors did a good job of having the perfect mix of jokes for the kids and for the adults while keeping it at an ideal 2 and a half minutes.

What Wasn’t So Good

The soundtrack could have been a lot better in the second trailer from 20th Century Fox. I know in a trailer that has dancing penguins, “Ice Ice Baby” has to be played at least once but the other music choices weren’t memorable at all. Other than the soundtrack, it was a great trailer. While it is not first on my list of movies to see this summer, I think it will turn out to be a great film judging by the first two trailers, especially since it is loosely based on an adaptation of a classic book and stars a great comedic actor.

Will People Go See this Movie?

Judging by this trailer, people should definitely go see this movie. It was fun, lighthearted and appealing to all ages. Fans of Jim Carrey should also see this movie considering how he only does one movie a year. The only thing that might hurt this movie is Kevin James’ new flick Zookeeper, which will arrive in theaters July 8th, three weeks after Penguins debuts. While Zookeeper is about talking animals in a zoo, there will still be a great amount of competition since the main audience of Mr. Poppers Penguins and Zookeeper will be parents and children and parents might decide that one animal movie is enough for the summer. 

Other Great Related Movie Trailers

1.) Zookeeper
2.) Cars 2
3.) Kung Fu Panda 2

Friday, May 20, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

The third installment of the explosive Michael Bay series hits theaters this July.

                                    What Was Good

The special effects and action in the most recent trailer for Transformers were top notch. This is the third trailer Paramount has released since the Super Bowl. It never slowed down and kept the action and energy going for the entire 2 and a half minutes, which is the perfect length for an action trailer. As an audience member and fan of the series, I got to see the most important characters have their own special moment such as Bumblebee climbing up the wall and Optimus Prime on a killing spree. Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, and John Turturro also make notable appearances. The new villain, Shockwave, is introduced as well under a great original soundtrack with great sound effects and sound editing.

What Wasn’t So Good

For this trailer, Michael Bay decided to go entirely for the action and effects and leave out most of the story. All I can get from this trailer is that another clan of bad robot aliens is attempting to take over Earth. I understand that this is an action movie and after Revenge of the Fallen, I don’t expect much plot but I think it is safe to assume that most people like a little bit of story with their explosions and robot violence. This trailer also pulled a bunch of clips from what looks like one single battle scene, leading me to believe that it either takes place in one single day or they just weren’t finished with the final product before the trailer was made.

Will People Go See This Movie?

This trailer certainly made me say “Wow! That looks awesome!” For fans of the series, the trailer certainly didn’t seem to disappoint in most aspects. I know for a fact that it is not going to win the Oscar for best movie but I am sure that many people are going to see this film, especially since Revenge of the Fallen is number 11 on the all time domestic box office accompanied with the fact that it is opening right in the middle of the summer blockbuster season. Bay and his editors did a great job with putting together an exciting trailer and on July 1st, I am sure there will be many fans lining up to see this film in theaters and Imax. This trailer made me want to see the movie.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers
1.) X-Men: First Class
2.) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
3.) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
4.) Planet of the Apes