Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mr. Popper's Penguins

Mark Waters and 20th Century Fox adapt the popular 1938 book into a major motion picture starring, Jim Carrey.

                              What Was Good

This was a good trailer that told a great story. The story was good because it was simple and clear, giving away just enough of the plot and conflict without spoiling the entire movie or the ending. The penguin moments in this trailer were great too, especially the scene with the penguin in the bathtub. While it was a little silly, it established that the film was going to be a little silly, family friendly, and fun. The editors did a good job of having the perfect mix of jokes for the kids and for the adults while keeping it at an ideal 2 and a half minutes.

What Wasn’t So Good

The soundtrack could have been a lot better in the second trailer from 20th Century Fox. I know in a trailer that has dancing penguins, “Ice Ice Baby” has to be played at least once but the other music choices weren’t memorable at all. Other than the soundtrack, it was a great trailer. While it is not first on my list of movies to see this summer, I think it will turn out to be a great film judging by the first two trailers, especially since it is loosely based on an adaptation of a classic book and stars a great comedic actor.

Will People Go See this Movie?

Judging by this trailer, people should definitely go see this movie. It was fun, lighthearted and appealing to all ages. Fans of Jim Carrey should also see this movie considering how he only does one movie a year. The only thing that might hurt this movie is Kevin James’ new flick Zookeeper, which will arrive in theaters July 8th, three weeks after Penguins debuts. While Zookeeper is about talking animals in a zoo, there will still be a great amount of competition since the main audience of Mr. Poppers Penguins and Zookeeper will be parents and children and parents might decide that one animal movie is enough for the summer. 

Other Great Related Movie Trailers

1.) Zookeeper
2.) Cars 2
3.) Kung Fu Panda 2

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