Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Summit Entertainment brings together Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen in a film packed full of emotions.
What Was Good

This trailer told a pretty good story. The opening sequence was very amusing and Rogen’s “one-liners” were spot on throughout the entire trailer. The title itself certainly makes the movie seem intriguing considering the consequences and it constantly had me asking, “Will he live, or will he die?” Will people actually go see this movie in theaters though? This seems like the type of film that may slip under the radar due to the “indie” feel of the trailer. It is opening well after the summer season in the quieter weeks of September and I don’t think it will pull many audiences to theaters. Gordon-Levitt has had success in major productions such as Inception and G.I. Joe but his indie films always tend to fall flat. Even 500 Days of Summer struggled at the box office. Maybe the combination of Rogen’s comedy success with Gordon-Levitt’s talent is just the right mix for a hit?

What Wasn’t So Good?

The trailer felt a little long due to the complicated nature of the movie. While I am intrigued by the outcome, I don’t think that I got the “feeling” that I should have from this trailer. It briefly scraped the many emotional bounds the actual film is going to touch on. I understand that it is very hard to establish the feel and tone of a film that crosses so many genres in only 2 and a half minutes but I thought the editors tried to stuff in way too much. While the trailer leans more towards the comedy side in the beginning and the end, my personal opinion tells me it is going to be more of a tearjerker movie overall and should have been marketed more towards that genre. The soundtrack was pretty bland but it wasn’t awful.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers

1.) The Descendants
2.) A Little Help
3.) Beginners
4.) Crazy Stupid Love

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