Friday, May 27, 2011

Green With Envy!

They return to the big screen after 12 years with stars Jason Segal and Amy Adams!

Spoiler Alert!

I know that I recently reviewed a family film, but I just have to talk about this great new Muppets trailer. Earlier this week, Apple Movie Trailers tricked audiences by naming the Muppets trailer, Green With Envy and choosing to not feature the Muppets characters on the poster. Audiences had no idea what kind of trailer it was going to be. Other Websites such as Yahoo and Trailer Addict have started calling it the Muppets trailer now that the secret is out but it is still just as amusing if you know. For those of us who didn’t know what it was about, it was a great surprise when Kermit, Ms. Piggy, and the entire gang made appearances halfway through. Since it was a teaser, it didn’t give away much of the story but it certainly made me laugh out loud several times in only one and a half minutes. Jason Segal and Amy Adams are perfect additions to the cast of hilarious puppets.

Will People Go See This Movie?

If you are a Muppets fan you should definitely go see this movie! Even if you are not a follower of the series, this was a great trailer and you should definitely go see this movie in theaters. Will a lot of people go see it though? As good as some of the Muppets movies have been, they always tend to struggle at the box office. Muppets from Space made a mere $16,625,807 at the box office in 1999. It is going to be released in November around the holiday season, however, and the Muppets movies are always great for the entire family. I will certainly be there when it opens and I look forward to seeing more Muppets trailers from Buena Vista this summer.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers:

1.) Mr. Popper’s Penguins
2.) Happy Feet 2
3.) Zookeeper

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