Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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What Was Good

The pacing and flow of this trailer was very good. I liked how the editors established where the movie was taking place first before getting into the conflict about halfway in. The trailer lets you meet the characters early on so that they are more likable and easier to relate to later. It never slowed down or was confusing at any point due to the crisp cuts and timing. The soundtrack was great and it really emphasized the drama of the movie. I thought there were some great images too, such as the near empty printing room to emphasize the main point of the film. It was a great trailer in general, especially for a documentary.

What Wasn’t So Good

The captions next to the characters in the beginning flashed way too fast and overall, there was too much text in this trailer. If a viewer is struggling to read during a trailer, there is a good chance that they are going to lose interest. The trailer also ended a bit abruptly as well. While the screen was a bit crowded at some points, overall, it was a well-executed trailer of great quality.

Will People Go See it?

This trailer certainly caught my attention and piqued my interest. I would rent it at home but as good of a trailer as it was, documentaries just don’t have enough punch to survive for long on the big screen. Even Morgan Spurlock’s new flick “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” recently tanked at the box office. It can be incredibly hard to market and sell a product without any famous actors or special effects but this trailer sold the movie with real people, a real problem, and the hope of a conclusion. I think everyone should definitely see this movie at some point because it is of great cultural relevance.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers

1.) Buck
2.) How To Live Forever
3.) The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

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