Monday, May 2, 2011

Green Lantern

While the first Green Lantern Trailer left me disappointed and unimpressed, this new four-minute trailer exceeded my expectations. Everyone knows Ryan Reynolds can be funny and witty, but we haven't really seen him fill the superhero role yet. (His roughly five minutes of screen time in "X-Men Origins" just wasn't enough for me). The first trailer showed the comical side of Reynolds but made the much-anticipated movie look like another sequel to Van Wilder. Portraying the story of how Hal Jordan becomes the Green Lantern was a great way to get fans as well as people unfamiliar with the comic book excited. I must admit I was nervous when I noticed that the trailer was over four minutes but it captures your attention right away and slowly builds your interest with a great soundtrack. It did a great job of storytelling while giving a slight glimpse of the plot and villain, Hector Hammond. This trailer made me want to see the movie.

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