Friday, May 20, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

The third installment of the explosive Michael Bay series hits theaters this July.

                                    What Was Good

The special effects and action in the most recent trailer for Transformers were top notch. This is the third trailer Paramount has released since the Super Bowl. It never slowed down and kept the action and energy going for the entire 2 and a half minutes, which is the perfect length for an action trailer. As an audience member and fan of the series, I got to see the most important characters have their own special moment such as Bumblebee climbing up the wall and Optimus Prime on a killing spree. Shia LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, and John Turturro also make notable appearances. The new villain, Shockwave, is introduced as well under a great original soundtrack with great sound effects and sound editing.

What Wasn’t So Good

For this trailer, Michael Bay decided to go entirely for the action and effects and leave out most of the story. All I can get from this trailer is that another clan of bad robot aliens is attempting to take over Earth. I understand that this is an action movie and after Revenge of the Fallen, I don’t expect much plot but I think it is safe to assume that most people like a little bit of story with their explosions and robot violence. This trailer also pulled a bunch of clips from what looks like one single battle scene, leading me to believe that it either takes place in one single day or they just weren’t finished with the final product before the trailer was made.

Will People Go See This Movie?

This trailer certainly made me say “Wow! That looks awesome!” For fans of the series, the trailer certainly didn’t seem to disappoint in most aspects. I know for a fact that it is not going to win the Oscar for best movie but I am sure that many people are going to see this film, especially since Revenge of the Fallen is number 11 on the all time domestic box office accompanied with the fact that it is opening right in the middle of the summer blockbuster season. Bay and his editors did a great job with putting together an exciting trailer and on July 1st, I am sure there will be many fans lining up to see this film in theaters and Imax. This trailer made me want to see the movie.

Other Great Related Movie Trailers
1.) X-Men: First Class
2.) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
3.) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
4.) Planet of the Apes

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