Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Minutes or Less

This was not a very good trailer. For one thing, it moved way too slow. One reason why is because the first 45 seconds of the two-minute trailer is one single non-sequitur scene. I understand it is a “Stoner” comedy and as a director, you don’t want to give away too many of your jokes, but I wouldn’t have minded a shorter trailer with a few more comedic bits to keep my interest. I do find Aziz Ansari and Jesse Eisenberg amusing but I think it was a huge mistake to not feature Danny McBride. While McBride has not found success as a leading actor, he is very amusing in small doses and movie trailers. The “Your Highness” trailer can attest to that. Not using McBride or mentioning the fact that an Oscar-nominated actor is in the film were the biggest misses in my opinion. A great way to sell a film is to sell the actors in it and this trailer didn’t do that.  It didn’t completely fail though either and I admit there were a few moments where it caught my attention and made me laugh. The scene with Eisenberg and Ansari in the school was very well done but overall, the entire trailer wasn’t executed well. The soundtrack was mediocre at best and while it did give an inkling of the plot, it did not make me want to see it. I am sure many people will see this movie at some point on DVD or Netflix but I know for certain that the trailer did not persuade me to see this movie in theaters, yet. Minds can be changed, however, like in the case of the “Green Lantern.” This trailer did not persuade me to go see this movie in theaters.

If you enjoyed this trailer, check out these other previews on TrailerAddict.com:

1. The Change-Up
2. Hangover 2
3. Bad Teacher
4. Everything Must Go

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